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Click To Plugin

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  3. Click To Tweet Plugin


Click Google Chrome‘s Menu button next to the address bar field, and choose. Written Instructions (Click 'Show More') 1. Type 'about:config' in the address bar 2. Search for 'plugins.clicktoplay' 3. Right click it and click 'toggle'.

The most popular Click To Tweet Plugin for WordPress (by a mile), for good reason.

Create tweetable content for your readers, using a simple shortcode or Gutenberg block. Readers are encouraged to tweet out both a quote, and a link to your content.

  • Add Premium Styles with just a few clicks.
  • Using the shortcode method in the classic editor? See our Power User Guide for all the tricks (remove or change the 'via,' make links nofollow, change the callback URL, and more!).

Why Better?
Back in the day, there was only one or two options for Click to Tweet plugins. They didn't do a lot of things I wanted them to do, so I made this plugin. I'm bad at naming things, so 'Better Click To Tweet' it is. Since then, I've made so many changes and enhancements that any resemblance to the original inspiration plugins are long gone.

Developer? Designer? Geek of any sort? Please hop in and suggest improvements. You can create issues or submit pull requests at the github repository for this plugin.

Translation is managed at the official WordPress translation page.


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Better Click To Tweet


To install the plugin manually in WordPress:

  1. Login as Admin on your WordPress blog.
  2. Click on the 'Plugins' tab in the left menu.
  3. Select 'Add New.'
  4. Click on 'Upload' at the top of the page.
  5. Select the ‘' on your computer, and upload. Activate the plugin once it is uploaded.

To install the plugin manually with FTP:

  1. Unzip the ‘' file. Upload that folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Login to your WordPress dashboard and activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' tab in the left menu.


Are there other style options?

Yes! If you are a developer or handy with CSS, there are limitless options for styling.

If you are not a developer, I have released a premium add-on for selecting among several (and growing) different style options. Check out Premium Styles

How does Better Click To Tweet work?

Better Click To Tweet enables you to create beautiful Click To Tweet boxes in your blog posts. Once you've installed and activated the plugin, click on the settings link to put in your Twitter username, and save the settings.

Then, wherever you want to insert a Click to Tweet quote, use a shortcode in the format [bctt tweet='xxxxxxxxxxxx'] replacing the xxxxxxx with your tweetable quote.

In the visual editor, you can click the blue birdy icon in the toolbar and a correctly formatted shortcode will be inserted in your text. For more info or clarifications, start a support thread. I'll actively answer.

How does the URL shortener functionality work?

Better Click To Tweet gives you the maximum number of characters possible. Allow me to explain:

Is imovie easy to learn. Twitter automatically routes every link through its own URL shortener (you might recognize as the domain they use). For their links, the length is automatically truncated to 23 characters for URLs. This leaves 253 characters after the URL for you to use to compose your tweet. Even a link that is run through or a install is still routed through in the tweet.

The benefit of URL shorteners goes beyond just character length, though. Many users use or a similar service to track numbers of clicks and other analytical data. I personally use to power for my shortened links.

Better Click To Tweet works alongside url shortening plugins to harness that power, if you choose to.

WordPress has a feature called 'shortlinks' which changes the long URL to something like Various plugins in the official plugin directory exist to change that shortlink to one using other outside services. Using a combination of those plugins and mine, your Better Click To Tweet boxes can now display a trackable link.

On the settings page for Better Click To Tweet, simply check the box indicating you'd like to use the short URL, and save changes. If you've got a plugin that correctly hijacks the built-in WordPress shortlink functionality, you're all set! I've tested my plugin with the following plugins, and will make every effort to keep this list updated:

If you run into any issues with my plugin not working alongside a certain link shortener, start a support thread and include a link to the other plugin. I'll see what I can do to work with the other developer.


I've also written a tutorial for how to set up the shortlinks with and

Are there any other hidden tricks?

Yes! Because I want the majority of users (who aren't as concerned with options like nofollow links and getting rid of the URL in the tweet) to be happy, most options are hidden. I've written a tutorial for using those advanced options. Most of those options are visible in the Gutenberg block, so that tutorial really only applies to the classic editor.

What do I do if it's not working right?

I am active in the support forums, and in patching the plugin. Start a thread there, and I will gladly help you out. Most of the time you can expect a day or two before a response. I'm in the eastern US, and I like playing with my kids at night, so you might not hear back immediately. Don't panic.

How can I help?

Issues, feature requests, and Pull Requests:


You should get this if you want traffic from twitter

I've also written a tutorial for how to set up the shortlinks with and

Are there any other hidden tricks?

Yes! Because I want the majority of users (who aren't as concerned with options like nofollow links and getting rid of the URL in the tweet) to be happy, most options are hidden. I've written a tutorial for using those advanced options. Most of those options are visible in the Gutenberg block, so that tutorial really only applies to the classic editor.

What do I do if it's not working right?

I am active in the support forums, and in patching the plugin. Start a thread there, and I will gladly help you out. Most of the time you can expect a day or two before a response. I'm in the eastern US, and I like playing with my kids at night, so you might not hear back immediately. Don't panic.

How can I help?

Issues, feature requests, and Pull Requests:


You should get this if you want traffic from twitter
Latest version


An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via setuptools entry-points. Winzip online store.

Project description

An extension module for click to registerexternal CLI commands via setuptools entry-points.


Lets say you develop a commandline interface and someone requests a new featurethat is absolutely related to your project but would have negative consequenceslike additional dependencies, major refactoring, or maybe its just too domainspecific to be supported directly. Rather than developing a separate standaloneutility you could offer up a setuptools entry pointthat allows others to use your commandline utility as a home for their relatedsub-commands. You get to choose where these sub-commands or sub-groups CAN beregistered but the plugin developer gets to choose they ARE registered. Youcould have all plugins register alongside the core commands, in a specialsub-group, across multiple sub-groups, or some combination.

Enabling Plugins

For a more detailed example see the examples section.

The only requirement is decorating with click_plugins.with_plugins()which handles attaching external commands and groups. In this case the core CLI developerregisters CLI plugins from core_package.cli_plugins.

Developing Plugins

Plugin developers need to register their sub-commands or sub-groups to anentry-point in their that is loaded by the core package.

Broken and Incompatible Plugins

Any sub-command or sub-group that cannot be loaded is caught and converted toa click_plugins.core.BrokenCommand() rather than just crashing the entireCLI. The short-help is converted to a warning message like:

and if the sub-command or group is executed the entire traceback is printed.

Best Practices and Extra Credit

Opening a CLI to plugins encourages other developers to independently extendfunctionality independently but there is no guarantee these new features willbe 'on brand'. Plugin developers are almost certainly already using featuresin the core package the CLI belongs to so defining commonly used arguments andoptions in one place lets plugin developers reuse these flags to produce a morecohesive CLI. If the CLI is simple maybe just define them at the top ofyourpackage/ or for more complex packages something likeyourpackage/cli/ These common options need to be easy to findand be well documented so that plugin developers know what variable to give totheir sub-command's function and what object they can expect to receive. Don'tforget to document non-obvious callbacks.

Keep in mind that plugin developers also have access to the parent group'sctx.obj, which is very useful for passing things like verbosity levels orconfig values around to sub-commands.

Here's some code that sub-commands could re-use:

Plugin developers can access this with:




Project details

Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed





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Click To Plugin Safari



Download files

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Files for click-plugins, version 1.1.1
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size click_plugins-1.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (7.5 kB) File type Wheel Python version py2.py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size click-plugins-1.1.1.tar.gz (8.2 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Click To Plugin Safariextz


Hashes for click_plugins-1.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for click_plugins-1.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for click-plugins-1.1.1.tar.gz

Click To Tweet Plugin

Hashes for click-plugins-1.1.1.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest

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